19 / 23 / 11 A book showcasing 19 of the 23 watercolours I have done in the period of the last 11 years - a celebration.
The paintings are collected together using a format from the world of cinema: brochures for film festivals,
each painting as it were a still, accompanied by a text outlining the imagined movie the image could have been taken from.
Softcover 32 pages, full colour, 300 x 215 mm.
ISBN 978-0-9568685-0-3
Published by N
London 2011
First edition 1000 copies*
Credits and links
Graham Rees � whose care and skills in colour matching and looking after the production of the book
were central to realising the quality we set out to achieve.
Email: grahamcrees@btinternet.com
Khoo Salma Nasution � who contributed the story for Chulia Street. Author and publisher whose
Streets of George Town and Penang through Gilded Doors are just two examples of the wonderful books
her imprint - Areca Books - have brought out, helping to keep alive Penang's rich and diverse history.
Salma also plays a central role in the Penang Heritage Trust.
Jonathan Cooper Park Walk Gallery � regularly exhibits the original paintings at art fairs and will show
Best Foreign Language: the exhibition in London: 17 November - 3 December 2011
Email: mail@jonathancooper.co.uk
Winsor & Newton � I have been using their watercolours since a teenager.
Writers and film directors whose work is referenced, directly or indirectly in the texts:
Michaelangelo Antonioni: Eclipse, Zabriskie Point � Eclipse, Zabriskie Point, La Notte
Wong Kar-Wai: 1415 Local � In the Mood for Love
Sydney Pollack: Giant � Three Days of the Condor
Charlton Heston: Cast � Antony and Cleopatra (1972)
Orson Welles and Isak Dinesen: Indochine � The Immortal Story
Eric Ambler: 1415 Local � Journey into Fear
Giuseppe di Lampedusa: Dark Star � The Leopard
David Gilmour: Donnafugata � The Last Leopard (biography of Lampedusa)
Patrice Leconte: Eclipse � Confidences trop Intimes
In the writing department: my thanks to Larry Klein � an American who watched my English.
Simon Heffer's book Strictly English was a valuable education � saving us from people completely disappearing and such like.
Note should be made that the texts are by no means meant to be definitve readings of the paintings - they were written
subsequently - and specifically for the purpose of this book. The viewer may make of the paintings what they will.
*Note on numbers.
650 copies for retail: black edges.
300 gallery copies: plain white edges, exhibition / gallery details facing inside front cover.
50 presentation copies: black edges and exhibition details.
Donnafugata, p22. The voiceover should of course be Corin Redgrave's � his spoken word version of the novel is the precedent.